If you want to be happy with your dog and you want it to be happy, training is essential. Training allows the dog to know what is expected of them. Once your dog is trained, you’ll feel more comfortable leaving him inside the house alone, having visitors over with him around and taking him with you out in public. Even though it may be a bit stressful at the time, once it is trained and has learned it manners and a few tricks, you will see that it was well worth the time investment.
Timing is important when you’re training your dog. You desire to spend time in training them, but you also do not want to go overboard. Shorter training sessions are better at the beginning of your program. Observe when your dog starts to stop paying attention during the session.
Try to think like your dog. Things that seem simple to you may not be as simple to your dog if he is having a hard time learning them. Instead of being frustrated, try to think like your dog. Looking at the world through their eyes could give you new insights about training them.
Make sure your dog is eating a healthy diet. It is entirely up to you to provide a good diet for your pet. Poor nutrition adversely affects your dog’s health and can cause uncharacteristic behavior. Making sure your dog’s nutritional needs are met helps give them the focus that they need to be able to learn.
As you train your dog to use the bathroom, keep in mind what whatever they eat will also come out. To help regulate your dog’s bowel movements, feed him 2-3 times per day. That way, you’ll know when you need to take your doggie out to “go”.
When training your dog, try to avoid reinforcing negative behavior. This means that you should never reward your dog, with treats or attention, for doing something you’re trying to train it out of. If you wish to keep your dog from begging for table scraps, don’t encourage him by slipping him a morsel one night or allowing others to do so.
If you need to approach a dog that you are not familiar with, approach it slowly and allow it to sniff your hand. This lets the dog get accustomed to your smell and he will be more trusting towards you. After the dog becomes familiar with your smell, he’ll start to trust you and listen to you.
Putting your dog on a regular schedule of feeding and walks will help to regulate his system, so he will be easier to house train. This makes it clear to your dog that he has to go outside and poop now, instead of stinking up your carpet. Then he will become practiced at waiting until the right time.
A first step to training a puppy is get him used to hearing his name. Use their name often, and then teach them how to come to you when called. You should make sure your puppy learns their name and knows to respond to it. Be around your puppy a lot, so he knows to trust you. This will help them become more receptive to harder training later.
Canine training is big on making rules for the relationship just like you would with people, you will have such a better time with each other once the rules are in place. Don’t forget to continue providing reinforcement. Keep his knowledge sharp and stay on top of any deviations in his behavior. Once your dog gets the training basics under his collar, you will not be limited in what you can achieve together.