Great Ideas On Caring For Your Cat

TIP! Keep drape cords away from cats. If the cat becomes caught in a loop, they could choke to death.

Cats are a popular pet for millions, and they deserve love and proper care. As a cat owner, it is important that you take the time to educate yourself on all of the best cat care tips and advice to ensure that your feline friend enjoys a great life. The article you’re reading has plenty of great advice about caring for cats.

TIP! Your cat needs to be groomed properly. Cats must be brushed and groomed frequently.

If your cat is female, you need to get it spayed at the proper age. Even if your cat is an indoor cat, if she escapes while she is in heat you might end up with a lot of kittens on your hands. The best method of preventing your cat from pregnancy is to get her spayed.

Towel Rolls

TIP! If your cat is a female, you’ll want to spay her once she reaches the proper age. Even if you have an indoor female cat, if it escapes when it’s in heat it could get you a bunch of kittens you weren’t planning on having.

Deter your cat from chewing on inappropriate things by using bitter apple. If your cat plays with cords, put them up and out of the way, or you can hide them in old paper towel rolls. Any loose cords should be bundled up and placed in things like paper towel rolls. If you have rarely used electronics, put them up when you aren’t using them.

TIP! In order to be sure your cat is healthy, take them to their vet regularly. They need a routine check-up every year, maybe more of important shots are necessary.

Most cats are very nocturnal. This means their behavior is quite active during the night. If you are having a hard time sleeping because of your cats, close the door. This can keep them from waking you up at night and from pouncing on feet under the blankets.

TIP! You should not use products designed for other animals. Cats are not the same as dogs, and products meant for dogs can make cats very ill.

Be sure to show your cat affection as much as possible. Cats give us a lot of love, and they deserve to be loved back. Similar to people, cats like to socialize and feel as if they are important to their family. They wish to be a happy and valuable family member.

TIP! If you’re traveling with your cat, take care to remember their ears. Although you might enjoy jamming to your music, understand that cats prefer peace and quiet.

Do you own both a dog and a cat? A dog will take any opportunity they have to eat your cats food. If you’re having a problem with this, make your cat’s eating area high enough that your dog cannot reach. That also means they don’t fight about water after eating the food.

TIP! You should not train your cat to use a litter box. This is natural to them and does not need to be taught.

Be cautious when leaving a kitten with children. If children are younger than five years old, pets ought not be left with them. Young children are not yet mature enough to realize what behaviors are dangerous to a cat. Wait until your child gets older, and pay close attention to whether or not they’re mature enough to hold or handle a tiny pet.

TIP! Use canned food for your cat. Dry food can be less costly, but there are quite a few benefits to canned food.

Cats like to be high up to see the surrounding area. Make sure your cat has a safe place to play. If you don’t want a large cat tree in your home, a sturdy shelf cleared of breakables will work in a pinch. You could even place a small bed or blanket on the shelf to make your cat feel more comfortable.

Litter Box

TIP! Where did you put the litter box? You may want to place in some out-of-the-way corner so the smell doesn’t bother anyone. The cat has to be able to easily access the box.

Avoid spending too much time trying to train your cat to utilize its litter box. This is something that comes naturally and is not learned. Some individuals believe they should carry their cat to the litter box and rub paws into the litter. This actually can be quite traumatic for a cat.

TIP! Keeping your cat up to date on vaccinations and annual check ups can keep your cat in good health and provide a longer life. Your cat needs these periodic checks and particular immunizations in order to stay healthy.

Brush your pet often. This helps to stimulate blood flow and circulation, and it will also help to evenly distribute the natural oil your cat’s fur has. You will also decrease the amount of fur throughout your home. This can reduce hairballs which can be harmful to a cat and build up in their stomachs.

TIP! You should worry if your cat is no longer using its litter box. If your cat refuses to use its litter box, there may be an underlying health concern.

Cats make great pets, but you must care for them properly. If you want your cat to thrive, take the advice here to heart. Keep the tips most important to you in a place you can find later. If you care for your cat properly, you are giving your cat the gift of a long, healthy life.