TIP! Use an even tone when commanding your dogs. Your tone will indicate that you’re serious and to be respected.
Dogs make people happy and love unconditionally. Puppies require a lot of time and work. You must be prepared to provide solid training. The the tips and tricks mentioned in this article and you will be well on your way towards owning a well trained dog.
TIP! Begin your training regimen with an easy task for your dog. Not only will you achieve gratification due to your success, but your dog will know what acceptable behavior is.
It is best to train your pet without unintentionally affirming his undesirable behaviors and mistakes. This means you must not reward your dog with attention or treats for doing something you don’t want it to do. For instance, do not rub its head when it comes and jumps at you when you get home when you do not want your dog to do this.
TIP! “Leave it” is an important command to teach, starting when you bring your dog home. This is a good way to keep your dog from chewing things and make sure they do not chew dangerous objects.
Be consistent with your puppy training to make sure your animal stays obedient to the rules it has been learning. Some dog owners make the mistake of thinking that once training has ended, no further action is required. That’s not a good idea, since animals and humans form and retain habits in a similar way. It is important that the training your dog receives is reinforced regularly.
Shock Collars
TIP! Over-training your puppy will expose it to too much at once, rendering the training less effective. Remember that all dogs have short attention spans and puppies even more so.
Avoid costly training tools such as shock collars. They are both expensive and unlikely to work properly. Plus, shock collars are not positive reinforcement when your dog is exhibiting proper behavior. These methods yield negative results.
TIP! Using various voice tones for various purposes is a great way to train a dog. Command and praise should differ in tone, as should corrections.
When training your dog, one of the first commands they should be aware of is the “drop” command, which lets them know they should drop any items they have in their mouth. This will help prevent them from chewing on your furniture or other items, as well as prevent them from having dangerous items in their mouths.
TIP! Good dog grooming habits can assist you in training your dog. If you have a dog that requires a lot of grooming, make sure that this is done frequently.
When training your dog, always remember to have fun. When you play with your dog, you help make a stranger bond between the two of you. In return, he becomes more receptive to being trained. While you can have fun during training sessions, it’s a good idea to spend a little time simply playing.
TIP! When you begin training your dog, do not give him a treat or reward just to make him stop misbehaving. This method will only result in the dog learning to do what it pleases.
When you’re training your dog, it is important that you understand primary reinforcement. Primary reinforcement is a positive reinforcement training strategy that relies heavily on things your dog already enjoys. You can use food or a nice belly rub as primary reinforcements. This will teach your dog how to get something he already wants.
TIP! Bringing dogs on a trip means bringing all their supplies, too. Things such as food and water bowls, paper toweling and waste bags are critical for a smooth trip.
If you want to be a good trainer, then you have to be firm and consistent. You want to avoid being strict all of the time. You need to find the right mixture of strictness and love. This will strengthen the relationship between you and your dog.
TIP! Treats are the best way to begin dog training. Slowly, as they get older, begin reducing the amount of treats you give them until they are only given on special occasions.
A good dog training tip is to always be aware of other dogs when you’re taking your dog for a walk. There are aggressive dogs, and not every owner is at fault. Make sure your dog stays away from other dogs that are aggressive.
TIP! If you’re interested in your dog’s agility, it’s a great idea to pick a dog that’s suited for it. A dog can be trained in agility, but there are breeds out there that are naturally more adaptive for it.
You should always take your dog around people when they are a puppy to get them used to it. The only way for your dog to learn how to behave around other people and pets is for him to experience the situation. This will help to reduce sporadic behavior in new environments as well.
TIP! Consistency is key for dog training. Consistency means using the same words for commands, the same tone, and the same rewards whenever your dog successfully completes a task.
Don’t give up when you’re training your dog. Without reinforcement, your dog will revert to his old behaviors. Your dog requires food, shelter, companionship, and instruction from you every day, throughout your relationship.
TIP! Big dogs who like to lie on their back or stretch out need a large sized bed. Plenty of pet brands make dog beds sized for larger breeds.
Make sure your dog’s training sessions are brief. Sessions should be nor more than 15 minutes to avoid frustrating the dog, which is counterproductive. Always reward your dog with praise and attention after a training session.
TIP! For best results, your pet should be trained with consistent application of positive reinforcement. You have to praise good behavior while not focusing on the bad behavior.
You should teach your dog how to lay down. This is useful on its own, but also opens up other tricks. A dog that understands the “down” command will lie down immediately in a dangerous situation, which makes it a necessary command for safety.
TIP! Introductions to any new animals must be done very slowly. Before deciding to adopt a new pet, consider how it will affect the pets you already have.
Now you are armed with the knowledge of how to train your puppy. Keep your patience high and your love flowing to a well-behaved dog. It takes time, but it’s worth the endeavor.