A Trained Dog Equals A Happy Owner

You’re taking your dog for a walk, not vice versa. In this article, you will find important information on puppy training which every owner should know.

TIP! Timing is everything in dog training. While you want to devote a good amount of time to it, you do not want to go too far.

Repetition is the key to success when teaching a dog a new command. It may take 25-50 tries before your dog understands a command consistently and thoroughly. Be patient and say the same command in the same way each time. Your dog will learn eventually.

TIP! Try to think like your dog. Frustration can be easily acquired if the dog fails to learn simple things in a rapid manner.

Make training for your dog a regular, repeated part of your time together to keep them familiar with the rules they’ve learned. Pet owners often believe that once their dog completes a training program, the process is over. However, pets are creatures of habit. So, it’s very important that you review your training with your dog regularly.

TIP! It is dangerous to put more than one dog together in a close space. The restraints for each dog can become tangled and in an effort to free themselves, they can be injured.

You should always say commands in the same tone and volume. Your tone conveys seriousness to the dog and the fact that they must obey you. It can also help the dog realize the distinction between disciplinary tones and other types of commands.

TIP! Always buy a crate that is the correct size for your dog so you can train them well. Keep in mind that they get larger as they age.

If you want your do to be house trained, you must make sure that he follows a regular elimination and feeding schedule. Your dog will adjust to the schedule and he will quickly learn that his outside time is when he should go to the bathroom. A schedule will train your dog to know when he will get to go out next.

Puppy Training

Puppy training starts with patience. This reduces frustration and annoyance when puppy training. Your dog wants to make you happy, but sometimes it just does not understand you.

TIP! Start your dog’s training by doing something it could easily learn. This ensures that success comes quickly and your dog learns to love training sessions.

When training your dog, keep track of time during each session. Spending too much time just on one aspect of training will bore your dog and waste your efforts. Keep sessions to a minimum at first. Target 10 minute sessions for increased success.

TIP! If your pet is prone to jumping onto your lap, you should gently squeeze his paws after he does so. This communicates that the behavior is unacceptable and should be avoided.

Make sure training has an element of fun incorporated into it. When you play with your dog, it strengthens the bond between you and them, thus encouraging the pet to stay positive during training. Training can be pretty fun, but make sure you get plenty of non-training play in too.

TIP! Never allow your training sessions to run on for too long. Dogs have a short attention span, and keeping the training sessions short and sweet prevents them from becoming a boring chore your dog dreads.

Ensure that your dog gets 60 minutes of daily exercise on top of routine potty breaks or training periods. When your dog is worn out, his behavior will be better. Keep in mind that a dog that’s been exercised regularly is happier and more responsive to your commands.

TIP! Dog training involves a firm hand. But do not yell at your dog constantly: try finding the right balance between being strict when your dog misbehaves and being a loving master the rest of the time.

Don’t give your dog too many treats as rewards, or he might start adding too many pounds. A lot of pet owners don’t think about how much weight their dogs can put on with treats.

TIP! Don’t bog your puppy down with more information than he can process. Puppies have a very limited attention span.

With consistency, you can train your dog to hold on longer. If at home, be sure to spend some time with him and bring him outside every 50 minutes. If he goes outside to the toilet, praise him. Do not scold the dog if he relieves himself inside the house. He does not understand what he did and your yelling will not teach him anything. Take the dog for a walk approximately 15 minutes following a meal or a drink and each time it comes out of the crate.

TIP! A good dog training tip is to always be aware of other dogs when you’re taking your dog for a walk. It’s true that certain breeds or animals are more aggressive than others, and you must also take into account that not all pet owners take responsibility for their dogs.

Make training as fun as you can for your dog. Aim for a 10-15 minute training session, which is optimal for the dog’s attention span. When you give your dog rewards, make sure they are varied and as often as needed. Make sure to shower your dog with praises when he performs well; dogs love it! If your dog enjoys the training exercises, the dog is more likely to be responsive.

TIP! If you desire to leash train your dog, the first thing that you must do is to use a collar on him while you’re playing with him. When he is comfortable in the collar, he’ll be ready to learn how to walk on a leash, too.

If you lack the knowledge to train your dog, you might be fed up with them. Now that you are armed with the advice you need, you can get started on training your pooch to be a happy and healthy member of the family.