Training Your Dog – Tips To Make Your Job Easier

TIP! Use small steps when training a dog or pup to get into a crate, so that they can become familiar with it. If they are uncomfortable with the door closed then try to feed them snacks to reassure them that they are okay.

When your pet is fully trained and obedient, your home environment becomes much more peaceful and enjoyable. Give the tips that follow a try. Keep reading to discover the secrets to properly training your dog.

TIP! Spoken directions should be made using a simple, concise and forceful tone. There’s no point in ranting at your dog.

You need to establish predictable feeding practices with any dog. Make sure that they know when a meal is coming, so that they can get into a set routine. Your dog will eat their food in the time that you have alloted.

TIP! Good behavior means rewards! Whenever your dog does something right, it’s important that they remain calm. While you may be overjoyed with headway you are making, showing excitement causes the dog to become excited and makes you lose control.

Consistency is of the utmost importance when it comes to crate training. Always give the pup the option to go to the bathroom after leaving his crate. The dog will eventually learn that there are proper times to go outside and use the restroom.

TIP! Dogs have a tendency to zone in on one particular thing until something else grabs their attention. With enough repetition, your dog will focus on other things less and less, opting to wait for signals from you.

Keep your dogs tied at a safe distance from each other. The restraints for each dog can become tangled and in an effort to free themselves, they can be injured. It can even be fatal if you tie a large dog up with a small dog, and the large dog ends up getting a chain wrapped around the small dog’s neck.

TIP! Do not use shock collars and similar training devices. They almost never work as advertised and they are expensive to boot.

Puppy training starts with patience. Patience prevents both of you from becoming frustrated and angry during the training process. Bear in mind that your dog wants nothing more than to please you; however, your language is somewhat confusing to him.

TIP! Pick a recognizable phrase to verbalize to your puppy during house training. Tell the dog a phrase, like “go potty!”, whenever you go outside to help your dog keep the goal of going outside in mind.

Try to keep accidents at a minimum when toilet training your dog. Learn to know the things your pet does when it needs to go. Some clues to watch for are snuffling, whining and pacing. When you know the cue, take action immediately. Get his leash and take him out to his designated toilet spot! When he does go, praise him! In time, he will ask you to take him out.

TIP! Primary reinforcement is critical to dog training. In this method the reward you use is something it is natural for your dog to want.

“Quiet” is a command you will probably want to teach your dog. As the dog begins barking, display a treat and then repeat your order until the barking ceases. Once your dog has stopped barking, you can award it with a treat. When you repeat this action multiple times, your dog will eventually learn that the order means to be quiet.

TIP! Let your dog get used to triggers that make them bark to reduce the behavior. It may be a noise, or seeing other animals or people.

When you discipline your dog, your tone is an important factor. Dogs can easily sense how their owners or trainers feel. Using a stern tone will help reinforce discipline if used appropriately.

TIP! Keep notice of dogs that are nearby when you are outside with your pet. Certain dogs often display aggression, and it can be dangerous to make the assumption that all dog owners have done the right thing regarding training.

In order to encourage good behavior during training, praise is critical. Smile at your dog and provide it with treats to assist your dog in associated good behavior with positive rewards. Just be sure you never reward your dog after a bad behavior.

TIP! When you are training your dog, try to keep your training sessions on the short side. Training for more than fifteen minutes at a time could leave both you and your dog tired and frustrated.

Make sure you know your dog’s grooming needs based off his or her breed. If you have a dog that requires a lot of grooming, make sure that this is done frequently. Grooming helps your dog stay clean and happy, reducing the chances of getting a disease.

TIP! Do you feed your dog a well-balanced diet? Dogs are like children in the sense that bad diets lead to them acting bratty and hyperactive. Find out what type of nutrition your dog’s breed requires and adjust his diet accordingly; doing this will help your dog maintain his energy level.

Remember not to reward your dog for bad behavior when they do something negative. The dog will only learn that it is the boss. For example, you should avoid offering a treat to the animal to stop it from barking.

TIP! Avoid using punishment as part of your training routine. Try to avoid unwanted behaviors to begin with.

When you are traveling together with a dog, make a dog travel bag. In order to have a pleasant trip, food and water bowls, bathroom bags and paper towels are necessities. You do not have to bring some food for your dog with you because you can easily find quality food anywhere you go.

TIP! A majority of dog bites can be attributed to a fearful dog. Fear biting occurs if a dog feels trapped, threatened, or frightened.

Keep your training sessions short so your dog retains what they have learned. Fifteen minutes is about the right time to work on a training task, spending much more time than this will frustrate your dog and set back progress. Don’t forget to play with your pup as well.

TIP! Make rewards something truly special, by using his favorite treats. This is one time you can use something you would not usually give them, like meat.

No dog is too old or out of control for training, and the advice you read here can help you get a good handle on his behavior. You will have to be patient as you implement these tips. With any luck, the dog and you will be much happier than you have ever been.