Dogs need to be trained for a variety of reasons. Some are trained to hunt, work, protect, or just to be more pleasant. Dogs love to make their owners happy. That desire makes them a desirable pet. Here are some tips that can make training your dog a snap.
Consider things from your dog’s perspective. Things that seem simple to you may not be as simple to your dog if he is having a hard time learning them. Try putting thinking like your dog would, rather than quitting. This could help you overcome training hurdles.
Make sure the diet you are feeding your dog is healthy and nutritious. It is entirely up to you to provide a good diet for your pet. Without proper nutrition, your dog can suffer both physically and behaviorally. Providing a dog with fresh water and a high protein diet can have an astounding affect on their health and attitude.
You should never tether two dogs in close proximity to one another. The two chains could get tangled up. This could panic you dogs as he tries to get free and he could potentially hurt himself. Becoming wrapped up could also cause death if one of the dogs gets so tangled and wrapped up his airway closes.
Repetition is what causes a dog to learn. It is not uncommon for it to take between 25 to 50 repetitions of the same command for your dog to learn it. Being patient while trying the same task or command will allow your dog to understand it.
When trying to train your dog, avoid accidentally reinforcing negative behaviors. Thus, you must not reward the dog if it does something you are working to stop. This includes things like petting them when they jump on you at the door.
Verbal cues are very important to make sure that your dog is under your command. Even a simple monosyllabic spoken ‘yes’ can help the dog to connect the desired behavior with the imminent reward.
For a dog to become house trained you should always have them on the same feeding schedule everyday, so their elimination time is always the same. Before the dog goes to the bathroom on your carpet, you will know when it has to go outside. A regular schedule will also give your dog a chance to learn how to exercise self-control, as he will know that a trip outside is eminent.
Make sure your dog is comfortable and compliant with his leash. This will make your walks together a pleasure and not a source of frustration.
Make training with your dog fun. When you play with your dog, it strengthens the bond between you and them, thus encouraging the pet to stay positive during training. While training is fun in itself, take some time to just play for enjoyment each day.
Training your dog involves a firm hand. Yelling at the dog is counterproductive, and it is necessary to balance strictness in response to misbehavior and love in response to obedience. This develops a strong relationship with your dog.
Use your dog’s name often to get and keep his attention. Use the name often, especially during the first weeks at home; the puppy should associate his name with focusing on you. A short name which sounds distinct from many other words is preferable.
You need to know if there are other dogs around when you are out walking your dog. Certain dogs often display aggression, and it can be dangerous to make the assumption that all dog owners have done the right thing regarding training. Refrain from walking near dogs that are aggressive.
As you can see, dogs are trained for a variety of different reasons and applications. Dogs are very well known for how much they wish to please those around them, which makes having one trained in that manner a good dog to be around. It is hoped that you have gained useful insight into how to train your dog to be the companion that you desire.