Dog Training Made Easy With These Tips

TIP! Make sure to let your pet know a crate is their home initially. When you feed him, feed him inside the crate, and keep the door open while he is in there eating.

When you brought home your dog you were expecting Lassie, but sometimes it feels like you brought Cujo home instead. Proper training can transform your puppy, into the Lassie you thought you’d brought home.

Remain Calm

TIP! Teaching a dog how to roll over isn’t too hard with a few treats in your hand. First, make your dog lay down.

Train your dog to remain calm when you walk into the room. During playtime allow your dog to be feisty, but teach him to remain calm when someone enters a room. If you do not recognize them right away, they will be more calm.

TIP! Maintain consistent volume and voice tone over time when giving your dog commands. Your tone conveys seriousness to the dog and the fact that they must obey you.

Dogs tend to concentrate on one thing to the exclusion of everything else unless that concentration is interrupted. After you do this enough times, it will become easier for you to get your dog’s attention. The dog will look for your signals.

TIP! Approach an unknown dog slowly and let him smell your outstretched hand. Extending your hand lets the animal familiarize himself with your unique scent, making him more receptive to a friendly interaction.

Modify and update your dog’s training as necessary, so he remains in compliance with the rules. Many owners believe that once training is over, the dog will be set for life. Like their human owners, pets truly are creatures of habit. This is why you must make sure that you have a rule system that is strict for your dog.

TIP! Be patient when training a dog. This will cause you not to be frustrated and angry with your dog during this process.

Dogs need to understand exactly what your “no” means. When training your dog, you need to find positive ways to enforce your training. When you tell your dog “no” during training, he has no idea what you want him to do instead of the behavior you reprimand. Every dog and situation is unique and you should adapt your strategies accordingly.

Anything Else

TIP! When you begin training your puppy, create a bond with him by first teaching him his name. Use his name as often as possible, and help him learn to come when you call him by it.

Bond with your puppy by making sure he learns his name before anything else. Use their name often, and then teach them how to come to you when called. These are the commands your dog should learn before anything else. Spending lots of time will create a strong bond with your puppy, and will lead to unbreakable trust. A puppy that trusts you will respond better your training.

TIP! A training program that pushes the limits of a dog’s attention and endurance is not likely to produce good results. Brief, simple, positive training sessions are well-suited to the limited supply of energy and attention a pup has to work with.

You can continue to train your dog as they age. Even though your dog is an adult, it must keep learning. If you provide positive reinforcement for desirable behaviors, your dog will continue to be obedient, and when you provide your dog with consistent discipline, negative behaviors are less likely to occur.

TIP! It is important that you teach your dog proper behaviors from day one. It is far simpler to teach a dog to do something the right way than to break bad habits.

The tone of your voice is an important part of successfully disciplining your dog. Your dog is sensitive to the tone of your voice and can sense your feelings based on it. An appropriate firm tone can really reinforce a disciplinary message.

TIP! The first step in leash training your new puppy is by putting a collar on him while you play with him. Ensuring your puppy is comfortable wearing his or her collar is important for a couple of reasons.

Try to teach your dog good habits right away. You will have much better success if you teach a dog properly early on, instead of attempting to break negative behaviors later in their life. Never feed your dog from the table, if you don’t want him to get the habit of begging for scraps.

TIP! Use praise to re-enforce good behavior in your dog when training. Get excited, smile, and give treats to help your dog relate the good behavior to something positive.

Accidents are a part of training your puppy to go potty outside. It’s important to immediately clean up the accident to make your training more effective. If your carpet retains a smell, your god will be attracted to this same spot. There are a wide variety of odor control products designed to address just this situation, so head to the pet shop and ask about them.

TIP! You never want to give your dog a punishment during training. Try to prevent negative behavior, and show your puppy how you expect him to behave if he makes a mistake.

If you want to train a new puppy to walk on a leash, the first step is to put a collar on the young puppy while you are playing with him. The pup must become accustomed to wearing the collar in order for you to use its leash. It is also necessary for hanging ID tags.

TIP! Research dog breeds if you’re interested in training a dog for agility. Just about any dog can participate in agility sports, though Border Collies, Shetland sheepdogs, Labs and Australian shepherds are particularly good candidates.

To prevent the dog from biting people or furniture or otherwise causing damage, use a water bottle to spray him. This technique will show your dog that the behavior is unacceptable. Afterwards your dog won’t do these things anymore.

TIP! Reward your dog with high-quality treats when you are training him. A treat that is normally forbidden, such as table scraps or cheese, is a great choice.

Many owners are surprised by how basic puppy training can be added to their life and just how fast they can see results. So if your dogs relationship with you seems strained, try using these tips.