When your pet is fully trained and obedient, your home environment becomes much more peaceful and enjoyable. Make use of some excellent tips provided below. Some of the hints may make all of the difference to your relationship with your dog.
Establish a quiet environment when you go into a room your pet is in. Play time needs to be a distinctive time you initiate. Avoid acknowledging the dog upon your entry, and you can foster the sort of controlled environment necessary to good behavior.
Ensure that your dog gets plenty of exercise and stimulation. Dogs can get bored quite easily. When dogs are bored they are difficult to train. A happy and well-exercised dog is an easily trained dog. Before every training session, prepare your dog by taking them for a walk.
Unless you offer a distraction or stimulus, your dog will probably focus exclusively on a single thing. With enough training, you will have your dog focusing solely on your signals.
You should not tie up multiple dogs where they can reach each other, no matter how friendly they are. If there chains become entangled with one another it could lead to an injury. If one dog is larger than the other, it could accidentally tangle the cord around the smaller dog’s neck, causing it to become unable to breath, and possibly die.
The first rule to remember when you begin to house train your puppy is that what you feed them will eventually come out the other end. To keep your pet regular, feed him quality food a couple of times daily at the same hour. This ensures your dog won’t have accidents as you’ll know when to expect a trip outside.
Never reinforce your dog’s bad behaviors. In basic terms, this means refusing to reward your dog, via attention or treats, for doing any action that you are trying to get them to stop doing. If the dog jumps at you, don’t rub it’s head.
Approach an unfamiliar dog slowly, offering only the backside of your hand for his inspection. Extending your hand lets the animal familiarize himself with your unique scent, making him more receptive to a friendly interaction. After the dog knows your scent, he is unlikely to fear you and may be more willing to heed your command.
If your dog is a jumper, squeeze his paws when he jumps on you to let him know he cannot do this any longer. This won’t hurt your dog, but it will give them an uncomfortable feeling that will help teach them not to do it again. Since it is so uncomfortable, they’ll avoid jumping on people.
Before you train your puppy, teach him his name and bond with him. Always refer to your dog by his name, and begin teaching him to come anytime it is called. His name should be the first word he learns. Spend a lot of time with your new puppy, so he will learn how to gain trust in you. This helps to build a relationship that will make it easier to train your puppy.
Accidents must be avoided during potty training. Try to recognize your dog’s body language and anticipate his need to go out. Some of the most common and obvious displays include whining, sniffing and pacing. Don’t delay if you see your dog needs to go out. Grab a leash and take your dog to a designated spot in your yard. Give him praise when he eliminates correctly. Soon, your dog will signal you when he needs to go outside.
To keep your dog from barking, teach them to obey to a simple order that will make them quiet. After your dog starts barking, show your pet the reward and repeat the command until they cease. When your dog quits barking, offer him the treat. By consistently repeating this, your dog will be quiet because he wants the treat.
To make sure your dog pays attention to you, you should use its name as often as possible. Early in your dog ownership, you should use your dog’s name several times a day, so he starts to understand that you want his attention. The name should be short and unique, so that he does not confuse it with every day language.
The age of your dog doesn’t matter. You can use the tips provided to make a real difference. Stay patient and consistent. Hopefully you and your dog will be happier than ever.