If your cat isn’t taking a nap, it needs a way to stay busy. If left alone, cats sometimes climb and scratch on your furniture. This can be prevented by offering cat toys. You can learn about a lot of great ones in the following post.
Your furnishings and belongings can easily be ruined by a cat’s claws. If your cat is ripping up and shredding your home, invest in a kitty tower or scratching post. It is much better if your cat uses his claws on that, rather than your furniture. They may not take to it overnight, but they should eventually.
Avoid bladder crystals and stones by feeding high quality food. These crystals can cause a lot of pain to your cat and could end up costing you a lot in medical expenses. Look for foods that are low in magnesium for your cat. Read the label on any food you choose. Poultry-based foods are generally lower in magnesium than fish.
Cats are generally great with kids, though small kids may be too rough. Guide your kids in handling a feline. Demonstrate the proper way to pick up a cat and what they can do with the cat. Cats have weaker bones than dogs so should be treated carefully.
Set boundaries for your children when it comes to having a cat as a pet. Let them know which rooms and areas your cats should not be in. If the cat is to be indoors, tell your children not to allow him outside. You need to establish some clear rules for your pet and ask everyone to follow them.
You should think before allowing your cat to go outside. The outside world is very dangerous for cats. You cat can get fleas and contract diseases. Cars, people, or animals could hurt your beloved pet. If letting your cat outdoors is important to you, let them out in a safe fenced area.
Your cat should be given food from a can. Dry food can be less costly, but there are quite a few benefits to canned food. It has water content, which is good for cats with bladder issues. It is easier for older cats to chew. Speak with your vet to determine the proper course of action to take.
Frequent urination outside the litter box may indicate a visit to the vet is required. For instance, it may be a sign the cat has a problem with its urinary tract. It could be the sign of other issues as well. Some cheap antibiotics can get rid of some dangerous illnesses.
If you have a pregnant cat ready to birth her babies, be sure she has enough space. It can take as much as about 4 hours for all the kittens to be born after labor starts. If your cat has still not given birth to all her kittens after six hours, get her to a vet right away.
There are certain foods that you might eat everyday that are not healthy for your cat. Some of these foods are green tomatoes, grapes, onions and garlic. If your cat consumes these particular foods, it can get really sick. Milk is another food to stay away from.
Claws Removed
Don’t let a cat that’s had its claws removed go outside. A clawless cat will have no defense against other animals, and when they’re outside they’ll run risk of death or injury. Indoor cats are the only ones that should be de-clawed. Even then, you should only have the front claws removed. You do not have to touch claws on the back, as these claws do not damage the floor.
Cats have a great sense of smell, which helps them easily grasp changes to their environment. This is why it is sometimes difficult to get them to use something new, like a bowl or cat toy. Do not be concerned if your cat does not accept these new items immediately. As your cat starts to smell new things in the home, it will get into them sooner or later.
Cats have lots of energy, so make sure they expel that energy on their toys instead of your furniture. Keeping cats busy can keep them from tearing up your house. Use what you learned here.