When cats are awake, they need to be kept busy. A bored cat is likely to scratch up tables and furniture and climb up your curtains. You can help prevent this via cat toys. Learn about some of the best toys for cats in the following article.
Your cat needs to be groomed properly. Cats should have regular combings. If you do this frequently you’ll be able to help the cat have clean fur. It will also limit shedding and may cut down on hairballs. Keeping a cat well groomed basically helps keep them looking their best, along with your home.
Regular veterinary checkups are important for the health of your cat. Cats need vaccinations to keep them healthy, and your vet can keep an eye out for any other health issues. Try to keep the same vet during the life of your pet. That way, the doctor will be familiar with the history of your cat.
If your cat is getting older, you can increase it’s comfort by placing its bed over a heated tile. You can heat a terracotta tile in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Then, wrap this up into a towel and place it underneath your cat’s bed. Change it out every few hours if you feel the need.
If you own a female cat, it’s crucial to spay it at the appropriate age. Even if she spends her time indoors, it is possible for her to escape while in heat, causing an unwanted pregnancy. If you want to prevent this, spay your cat.
Get a microchip for your cat. Even an indoor cat could someday jump through an open window. Tags and collars are great, but they don’t always stay on your cat. They can also be a risk, should they get snagged on something. A microchip is tiny, similar in size to a single rice grain and capable of holding plenty of information. These days, pretty much all shelters and vet offices have scanners that can read these chips, and because they’re beneath your pet’s skin, they won’t ever get lost.
Litter Box
Your kitty’s litter box requires strategic placement. Do not place it in a busy area or close to where your cat eats meals. Allow for adequate ventilation to dispel any odors. Your cat is certain to appreciate a litter box that is put into a good location.
If your thinking about allowing your cat to go outside, you may want to reconsider. This could be harmful and unsafe. You cat can get fleas and contract diseases. Cats can also be hunted by other animals, stolen or hit by passing vehicles. If your cat must be an outdoor cat, limit it to your own backyard.
Cats generally are pretty energetic, and you have to know how to get on their level to care for them. Keep your cats from tearing up your belongings. You should take cue from this article and do not let your cat destroy your property.