Learn A Lot About Cats With These Simple Tips

TIP! Shop at your local pet shelter for your next cat. Shelters around the country are overflowing, and the cats there need more humans to help.

Cats provide endless hours of companionship and entertainment. However, it also takes lots of work to take care of a cat. With cat ownership, comes many responsibilities. The article below has the information you need. Keep reading to learn more about quality pet care.

TIP! Normally cats are nocturnal animals. This refers to the fact that they are usually more active at night.

A heated tile can be positioned beneath the bed of a mature cat. Heat a fabric covered heating pad in the microwave for a couple of minutes, making sure that is not too hot to the touch. Wrap it in an old towel and put it under your cat’s bed or blanket. Change it regularly if you need to.

TIP! The cat’s litter box should be placed in the right spot. The litter box should not be kept in an area with a lot of traffic.

If your cat is a female, be sure to get her spayed when she is old enough. Even if your cat is an indoor cat, if she escapes while she is in heat you might end up with a lot of kittens on your hands. The best method of stopping this is to have your cat spayed.

TIP! Avoid letting your cat go outdoors. This could be harmful and unsafe.

Making sure your cat doesn’t jump on the counters is hard to do. They love to be able to look around from up high. You can try to combat this problem by designating some high-up places for your cat to hang out. A cat tower near the kitchen will ensure that cats won’t lay on your counter.

TIP! When your cat makes a mess somewhere other than their litter box, don’t get mad. If this happens, it may be because you have not kept the box as clean as you should.

Make sure that you never neglect your cat. Think of all the friendship and comfort cats provide to us. Without love, cats may not socialize with your family. They probably would like to feel as though they are a wanted part of the family.

TIP! You cat needs to get used to being in a carrier. Understand that cats don’t react to punishment as well as dogs.

Cats love to be clean. Long-haired cats often develop hairballs. To help prevent this from occurring, buy your cat special food. Some foods are in fact formulated specifically to reduce hairballs, and that is a good idea for your cat and you too.

TIP! Mix up the food you feed your cat to avoid them becoming a picky eater. If you feed them only one type of food, they may refuse to eat anything else.

Prevent crystals from forming in the urine of male cats with the right diet. This problem is painful for the cat and to your wallet, as well. Your cat’s food should be low in magnesium. Read the ingredient list on the label. Poultry products will tend to have lower amounts than seafood based products.

TIP! If your cat uses the bathroom more than normal, or if they suddenly stop using the litter box, think about taking them to the veterinarian. It could be an indication of a serious health problem.

Cats can be great pets for children, but some younger children may be a bit too rough with cats. Make sure your child knows how to pet a cat. Teach them about appropriate activities and how to gentle pick up the cat. Cats don’t have strong bones like dogs do, so they need to be treated gently.

TIP! Long-haired breeds are pretty, but understand how much work they are before you get one. While long, silky hair is beautiful on a cat, the same fur appears far less beautiful covering your floor, dark clothing, and furniture.

As mentioned earlier, there’s a lot of great things about having a cat. A cat is a serious responsibility as well, though, and you should do your best to take care of its needs. Apply what you’ve learned here, if you’re thinking of adding a cat to your life.