Get Helpful Tips About Cats That Are Simple To Understand

TIP! You never want to leave the cords of your drapes dangling down. If your cat plays with looped drape cords, they could get caught around its neck, which presents a suffocation hazard.

In the post adoption phase, many issues arise between cats and families. No one should get a pet without taking the steps to prepare. Of course, it’s impossible to avoid each and every little bump in the road during pet ownership. A great idea for you is to read the suggestions here and add a few more tidbits to your list of expectations.

Drape Cords

TIP! Making sure your cat doesn’t jump on the counters is hard to do. Cats enjoy high places so they can see what is happening around them.

Move any drape cords out of a cat’s reach. You should not allow your cat to play with drape cords since they could end up with the cord wrapped around their neck. This could kill them. All drape cords should be fastened and kept away from any harm that might come to the cats.

TIP! Cats can be great pets for children, but some younger children may be a bit too rough with cats. Show your kids the proper way to handle cats.

Prevent your cat from getting zapped by coating exposed wires with bitter apple. Keep your cords covered if you feel like your cat is hellbent on chewing them. Bundle electrical cords together inside a tube. Whenever you aren’t using any thin, electronic cords, you should store them away.

TIP! Create a tablecloth that your cats can use. Often, a cat will remove food from his bowl to eat on the side.

Cats can use their claws to destroy furniture and other parts of the house. If you want to prevent or stop your cat from scratching up your furniture, the best thing to do is buy a scratching post or kitty tower for them to climb in. Put cat nip on it to attract them to it. It may take some time and some corrections, but it can usually eliminate the problem.

Litter Box

TIP! Is there a dog in your home, as well as a cat? Dogs will always try to eat a cat’s food. You should create a feeding space for the cat that is much too high for a dog to get to.

Location is key when placing a litter box. Place the litter box away from high traffic areas. Additionally, the litter box should be placed away from your cat’s food and water. It is also advisable to keep the litter box area ventilated to control odor. Not only will your cat appreciate it but you will too.

TIP! You shouldn’t leave a young cat with children unattended. Kids under five should not be left alone with a pet.

Cats spend a ton of time grooming themselves. If your kitty is a long-haired breed, the result of this might be hairballs. If your cat needs assistance with this problem, consider a special diet. There are foods that are made to reduce the frequency of hairballs. It’s a smart move for your cat and your sanity.

TIP! Speak to other people if you’re having cat troubles. You won’t have the knowledge to handle every cat issue properly, so take advantage of the experiences of others.

Prevent crystals from forming in the urine of male cats with the right diet. If they have to pass the crystals it can cause the cat a lot of pain and paying a vet to help with this can cost you a lot of money. Choose a cat food with low magnesium content. Consult the ingredient list. Poultry products are typically lower in magnesium than fish products.

TIP! If your cat’s scratching post looks old and worn, don’t throw it away immediately. Cats prefer used scratching posts.

If your cat is excessively meowing, try to figure out why. After you have coexisted with a pet cat for a long while, you are sure to figure out its meowing patterns. Possibilities include that she is hungry or wants to be let outside. By listening to your cat, it will be easier to know what they want.

TIP! Give high quality canned food to your pet cat. Dry food is usually cheaper, but canned food boasts a number of benefits.

Think twice before leaving a child alone with a kitten. Up until your child is five, children shouldn’t be alone with your pet. They don’t know what harm they can do. When they mature, they can spend alone time with the kitty.

TIP! Every cat loves to have lots of play time. Play is important for all mammals, even people, regardless of their age.

Purchase a drinking fountain for your cat to get water from. Cats like running water for drink more than water that is just sitting there. Cats will respond more positively to streams of water. You may have noticed that a dripping sink faucet quickly attracts their attention. Also, drinking fountains are more environmentally friendly and gives them the ability to drink naturally.

TIP! Be aware of your cat stopping their litter box usage. When cats are suffering from something, they may end up going to the restroom randomly outside of their box.

The tips you just read will help you care for your cat, regardless of its age or breed. You have learned basic information that makes raising a cat much easier. Remember though, everyone’s cat and circumstances are different requiring certain adjustments. Just remember to enjoy every minute with your adopted kitten no matter what.