Feral cats are cats that live their lives wandering loose on the streets or in the wild. By learning how to properly care for a cat, you can ensure that they remain healthy. Getting to know a cat’s needs and taking great care of it can help your cat to have a fantastic life.
Visit your local shelter if you’re thinking about getting a cat. There are tons of loving cats there, and the fees often cover the needed vet care. When you adopt a cat from a shelter, you save a life and help keep the cat population under control.
Have your cat see a vet frequently to keep good health. They should go in for a routine check-up at least once a year, possibly more if they need important shots. If you notice that your cat appears to be experiencing some sort of illness or injury, do not delay a trip to the vet.
If your cat ventures outdoors, it’s key to get your cat a collar which has a contact tag. Cats can range far from your home and the tag will help them find their way home. Make sure at a minimum to put your pets name and your phone number on the tag.
Deter your cat from chewing on inappropriate things by using bitter apple. If your cat likes to chew cords, hide the cords as best you can. Use paper towel or wrapping paper rolls to bundle up cords. Any electronic item not in use should be stored away where the cat can’t get to it.
Enticing kitty to stay off the kitchen counter is sometimes challenging. A cat will naturally want to be high enough to view everything around them. One way to deal with this issue could be to devote certain high spaces for your feline friend to sit in. Your cat will not go on your counters if there’s a cat tower close to the kitchen.
Keep your cat amused. Cats should have a lot of exercise and playtime. But, too many cat owners fail to realize this. Bored cats will quickly wreck your home or become obese. Give them toys they can play with, play with them yourself, or at the least give them room to exercise. If they are indoors, give them a scratching post or something to climb on.
Cats can have nocturnal tendencies. Your cat will probably be very active during the night. Close the door to prevent the noise from getting to you. Your cat will not bother you in the middle of the night if this area is off limit.
Be sure you think about your cat’s ears when traveling. You might love blasting your favorite music while driving, but they enjoy softer sounds. To keep you cat from feeling nervous, keep the volume at a lower level. A trip is already stressful for a pet.
Cats are generally great with kids, though small kids may be too rough. Always train your child the proper way to handle a pet. Teach them what are appropriate activities and how to gently touch it. Cats don’t have strong bones like dogs do, so they need to be treated gently.
It should now be possible for you to come out of your house and fight any stray cats that are trying to invade your yard. Cats can harm other pets, damage gardens and summon other cats. Of course, cats are still sensitive animals and should be handled with care! Maybe you’ll find one you fall in love with.