Check Out These Excellent Source Of Information About Cats

TIP! Properly groom your cat. Cats have to be brushed or combed on a regular basis.

Cats are a great animal to keep in your home or apartment. Cats can be terrifically fun, and they can also take care of vermin in your home. Do your best to keep your cat in good health and happy; they will help to protect your property!

TIP! Take your cat in for regular vet exams. Not only will a veterinarian give a general physical exam, he or she will also make sure they have necessary vaccinations.

Regular veterinary checkups are important for the health of your cat. Your cat requires a variety of vaccines and shots to prevent illness, and it is also important to identify health problems before they become too severe. If you can, stick with one vet for your cat’s entire life. This one vet will be aware of the cat’s history.

TIP! Get your cat to a vet on a regular basis for the best health possible. Your cat should always go to the vet for a check up, especially if they need shots.

Cats enjoy getting into spaces that are small. If your cat wears a collar they might get hurt, and stuck. A collar that is a breakaway model will detach itself if it gets pulled on. This will allow your cat to live another day if it gets tangled up.

TIP! A cat’s claws can do significant damage to your home and belongings. If you are having problems with your cat clawing up furniture, then purchase a scratching post or kitty tower.

If your cat is older or sick, a heating pad may provide comfort. Use a terra cotta tile to help relieve your cat’s aches and pains; put it in the oven on low heat – 200 degrees or so – for 15 minutes. You should wrap it with a towel and place it under the bed your cat uses. Replace it every three hours or so.

TIP! Try to avoid your cat from becoming bored each day. Play is important to the health and vitality of your cat.

If your cat is female, you need to get it spayed at the proper age. You may not think it’s necessary if you have an indoor cat, but your cat may escape. Spaying a cat can prevent this.

TIP! Male felines tend to have a build-up of crystals that present in the urine, so you need to avoid this with proper nutrition. These are very painful and expensive to treat.

It’s often cheaper to buy medicine for your cat on the Internet instead of through your vet. In emergency situations, buying online may not be a good option. You can save as much as fifty percent on the stuff you regularly use.

TIP! You will often find ways to save money on medication for your cat on the Internet instead of getting it from your vet. In some cases you may not be able to buy online, in the case of emergencies, for instance.

Be considerate of your cat’s preferences while traveling. While you may like to crank up the stereo when you go cruising, your pet probably prefers you keep the volume down. Therefore, keep your music or other sounds at an acceptable level.

TIP! Cats are usually great for kids, but smaller kids may be too rough with them. Show your kids the proper way to handle cats.

Tell your kids what the rules are about your new kitten. Make sure everyone understands which parts of the house the cat is not allowed in. They should know that indoor cats can’t go outside. Make sure your children understand the rules from the get go.

Litter Box

TIP! Buy your cat a fountain to drink from. Cats like running water in the wild, as well as in the home.

You should never punish your cat for not using the litter box. The major cause of such accidents is usually because the litter box hasn’t been given the proper care. Punishing your cat will make it afraid of being close to you.

TIP! Long-haired breeds are pretty, but understand how much work they are before you get one. The hair looks good, except when it’s all over your furniture.

Feeding your cat the proper canned food is ideal. It sometimes has more benefits over dry. Your cat will get extra protein and fats from canned food along with some of the water it needs every day. Aging cats find it makes it much easier to chew. Speak with your veterinarian before making any major changes, however in general, canned food is better for your cat.

TIP! Carefully consider where you will place your friend’s litter box. You may want to place in some out-of-the-way corner so the smell doesn’t bother anyone.

Ensure your cat is collared and wears an identification tag. This applies even to indoor cats. Even the tamest indoors cat can be tempted by the possibilities presented by an open door or window. You should use a tag with your contact information and the address of your veterinarian. This will be important especially if you have a cat with medical issues.

TIP! Dogs wag tails out of joy. A cat may look like it is wagging its tail, but it is completely different than what a dog does.

Cats may be less effective for security than guard dogs, but they still track down the small critters in your home. Cats have similar instincts to them, but they have many benefits that dogs don’t. This is one of the things that make cats so popular as pets.