Cats 101: The Expert Advice You Need As A Cat Owner

TIP! If you want to add a cat to your family, go to the shelter first to see what is available. Shelters usually have many cats who need a home, and the fees typically include their shots and spaying or neutering.

When they take in a cat for the first time, many families run into challenges they never considered beforehand. It is not a good idea to go into a cat adoption blind. Just remember, even with proper planning, there will always be unknowns when dealing with cats. Using these tips is a great solution to help you get prepared for what to expect in owning a cat.

TIP! If you own a female cat, it’s crucial to spay it at the appropriate age. While your cat may be an indoor one, there is always the possibility it can get out and you wind up with kittens one day.

If you have an outdoor cat, make sure he is fitted with a tag and collar. Cats enjoy traveling far away, so a tag can help your cat get back home when lost. Even if the tag just has your phone number, it can be the difference between your pet coming home and being lost forever.

TIP! It can be hard to stop your cat from coming on your counters. Cats like heights and like to see everything happening around them.

Cats love to play on kitchen counters, and it can be hard to break them of the habit. One thing they like about it is they enjoy being high up. Give them an alternative. A cat tower near the kitchen will ensure that cats won’t lay on your counter.

TIP! Give your kitty lots of love. They are very loving animals and deserve affection back.

Being nocturnal is quite normal for cats. This means their behavior is quite active during the night. If you are having a hard time sleeping because of your cats, close the door. This should help them from waking you during the night, pouncing on your feet under the covers.

TIP! Cats are generally great with kids, though small kids may be too rough. Make sure your child knows how to treat a cat.

Pick the right location for your cat’s litter box. Don’t put it where the cat can’t reach it or near their food. Also, minimize the smell by making sure it is a well ventilated area. Both your cat and you will appreciate this.

TIP! Cats enjoy heights. A cat will only be happy if you give it a safe spot to look over everything.

Make sure that you never neglect your cat. Most cats crave the same warmth and companionship they give their owners. Your cat needs to socialize and get plenty of attention from everyone in your family. They also like feeling important and a big member of the family.

TIP! Make sure that you do not instruct your cat on using the litter box. This is a natural instinct for felines, and it need not be taught.

When traveling on the road with your cat, understand that they are sensitive to sounds. You may prefer loud music as you drive down the freeway, blasting your stereo, but your feline friend likes softer sounds better. This means that you should keep your music turned down or off so the cat can relax.

TIP! Although your cat’s old scratching post may look very worn out, you shouldn’t throw it away. This is the condition that cats like the most.

Try to figure out the cause if you find your cat meowing excessively. As you develop a relationship with your cat over time, it will become easier to determine why she is meowing. The cat might want something to eat, or just to go outside. Be aware of the cues your cat gives you, and the two of you will have a better relationship.

TIP! Purchase a drinking fountain for your cat. When cats are out in the wild they like to drink running water, and this is true in your home as well.

Talk to people you know about any cat problems you’re having. Advice from other people can be very beneficial for you. There are many online cat forums that will help you get questions answered. You could also try asking your vet.

TIP! Ensure that your cat wears a collar and identification tags at all times. This is essential, even for indoor cats.

You should brush your cat very regularly. This will help stimulate blood flow. It is also a good way to reduce shedding. This is a good way to avoid hairballs, which are a serious health problem since they can cause choking.

You may want to try different types of cat food. Cats can easily become finicky eaters. When you give the same thing day after day, it becomes boring.

TIP! Taking your cat to the vet regularly to get proper vaccinations and check-ups will ensure that your pet enjoys a long and healthy life with you. A kitten is not so different from a child.

Don’t scrimp when it comes to your pet’s food. Always look at the ingredients first. You want to see either fish, chicken or beef noted. The foods to avoid are those with a large amount of corn and low amounts of protein. Because cats are carnivores, their diet need only consist of a good source of protein.

TIP! Be aware of your cat stopping their litter box usage. There are a number of medical issues that can cause your cat to suddenly stop using their box.

No matter how old or young your cat or where you live, the tips in the article above will help you with training your cat. There are several concepts involved when you raise a little cat, however, the way these are applied differs from one circumstance to the next. Just remember to enjoy every minute with your adopted kitten no matter what.