Natural Cat Litter Review: Nature’s Miracle


After trying many types of cat litters from conventional non-scooping litter to natural clay cat litter, this writer of this natural cat litter review has decided that the best cat litter on the market is Nature’s Miracle scoopable. If that brand sounds familiar, that’s because Nature’s Miracle brand is most famous for making a stain remover. The logo and red and white design of the stain remover bottles are also seen on the kitty litter bags.
But It Costs So Much
If you’re reading this natural cat litter review to find a dirt-cheap biodegradable kitty litter, then forget it. I will readily admit that Nature’s Miracle costs about three times as much as brands like Tidy Cat or Fresh Step. However, my cat has some breathing issues and needs to have her litter be as dust free as possible. I’m willing to pay a little more in order to help her breathe easier.
If you don’t remember anything else about this natural cat litter review, please remember this – Nature’s Miracle is one of the least dusty cat litters you will find for a clumping litter. Some non-clumping litters also don’t kick up so much dust, but if you are spoiled (like me) and prefer the convenience of clumping cat litters, then Nature’s Miracle might be your only option.
You Use Less
There is one bone of contention I have with Nature’s Miracle corncob cat litter – it does not last as long as the manufacturers claim it will last. The bag instructions state that one bag will last one cat one month. That doesn’t happen. One bag lasts one cat two weeks. However, this is a minor quibble in this natural cat litter review. Before using Nature’s Miracle, the cat was going through a fourteen pound jug of Tidy Cat per week.
Be sure to use a slotted litter scoop when using Nature’s Miracle clumping cat litter to get the most out of it. Scoop under the mess and lift up. Gently shake back and forth – very gently. The clean litter immediately falls away while the soiled litter stays clumped, unless you shake too vigorously. In this way, you don’t waste any litter, like you would with Tidy Cat, where the clumps would break apart if you coughed on them.
In Conclusion
The writer of this natural cat litter review heartily recommends Nature’s Miracle corncob clumping litter. It’s not guaranteed to work for all cats, but it certainly is worth a try.